
We introduce Berkeley Humanoid, a reliable and low-cost mid-scale humanoid research platform for learning-based control. Our lightweight, in-house-built robot is designed specifically for learning algorithms with low simulation complexity, anthropomorphic motion, and high reliability against falls. The robot's narrow sim-to-real gap enables agile and robust locomotion across various terrains in outdoor environments, achieved with a simple reinforcement learning controller using light domain randomization. Furthermore, we demonstrate the robot traversing for hundreds of meters, walking on a steep unpaved trail, and hopping with single and double legs as a testimony to its high performance in dynamical walking. Capable of omnidirectional locomotion and withstanding large perturbations with a compact setup, our system aims for scalable, sim-to-real deployment of learning-based humanoid systems.



Dynamic Walking

Dynamic Hopping

Various Terrains

Robustness to Perturbations and Fast Resets



Long Distance Walking

Training in Simulation (Isaac Lab)

Hardware Reliability

Functional after each of these falls.



This work was supported in part by The AI Institute. We would like to thank Jiaze Cai for the generous help with the experiments, and Yufeng Chi for suggesting the name of the robot. We'd also like to express our gratitude to Prof. Wei Zhang and Pan Motor for their valuable discussions and assistance with the actuators.


Author = {Qiayuan Liao and Bike Zhang and Xuanyu Huang and Xiaoyu Huang and Zhongyu Li and Koushil Sreenath},
Title = {Berkeley Humanoid: A Research Platform for Learning-based Control},
Year = {2024},
Eprint = {arXiv:2407.21781},